Reusable tableware
We invite you to follow the instructions below to return a product and track your refund.
You have 14 days from the receipt of your order to request a return, for any reason. The product must be returned in exactly the same condition as it was delivered: new, unused, unaltered, and complete with all its original tags, accessories, and packaging (unopened plastic wrap).
Products returned incomplete, soiled, damaged, or without their original packaging and tags will not be refunded.
Any returns beyond this period, for whatever reason, will be refused.
The management and return costs of your order are your responsibility.
Find below the procedure to follow, depending on your customer account:
Choose the order related to your return request from the 'ORDERS' menu and click on 'View Details.'
Tick the product(s) you wish to return and specify the reason for the return in the 'Return a Product' box.
Then confirm your request by clicking on the 'Confirm' button.
Once your return request is approved by our team, you will receive an email with a summary of your return to print out and include in your parcel.
Note: This feature is only available within a 14 day window. Beyond this period, please contact us directly at the email address:
You have 14 working days from the date of receipt of your order to return your product(s) in perfect and original condition to the following address :
GILAC - Returns service - 751 rue de la mode - 01580 Izernore, France.
Don't forget to include the corresponding form in your return, which you will receive by email.
The refund will be made by bank transfer within a period of 30 working days upon receipt of your return.
In this case, inform us of your return request by email ( or phone (+33 (0)4 72 17 57 72), completing the downloadable form below:
Please provide your order reference, contact details, reason for your return, and the references of the items you wish to return along with their quantities.
This form should be attached in the email and included in your return parcel.
We invite you to consult the answers to the most frequently asked questions from our customers.
Secure payment
by bank card, bank transfer or administrative payment order
from 200€ of purchase
contact us
+ 33 (0)4 72 17 57 72